Pump to Sewer

Pressurised Main Pump to Sewer

Pump to sewer systems are as they are named, a septic holding tank is installed on the property, which collects all the wastewater from the house.

Once the wastewater reaches the desired level in the tank, it will automatically pump to the pressurised sewer main, normally located in the street. This type of system requires a pump and an electronic alarm system with visual and audible warning, to warn if something fails, they will also require Hunter Water approved boundary kit to connect into the sewer main.

Pump to sewer system are normally installed in rural residential estates where the water authority has installed a smaller sewer main, the pumps that are installed on these types of systems are regulated so that the pump size and capacity is the same on all properties.

These pumps are normally a positive displacement style pump, e.g., (Mono) which delivers 25 litres per minute to the sewer main, they will also have a pressure release devise fitted to them, as to allow the waste water to be returned to the tank if the pressure in the sewer main is too high to let the wastewater out.

Once the pressure in the main has dropped the wastewater will be pumped to the main. The tanks are set up with a baffle panel dividing the tank into two, the primary side will hold all solids, and the effluent side will have the liquids which are pumped to the sewer main.

Over a period of time depending on usage and number of people the primary side of the system will require to be pumped out, by a suitably qualified contractor, who will vacuum out the solids from your system, normally about 3-5 years.

Pressurised Main Pump to Sewer

Gravity Main Pump to Sewer

Pump to sewer gravity main or Sewerage ejection stations, are a little different from the normal pressurised system, gravity mains will take all of the household waste including solids.

A collection well or holding tank is installed on your property; all household waste will feed into the tank via the normal household sewer plumbing. They are fitted with either a grinder or cutter style pump single or dual pumps, depending on the application and water authority requirements.

Pump wells can be as small as 1500 litres up to 3000 litres, and are activated via a float switch, once a predetermined level is reached the pump will turn on and grind the waste products up and pump to the gravity main.

A couple of things to be aware of with this style of pump to sewer system is that the collection well or holding tank is normally much smaller in capacity, than the conventional pump to sewer tank. They can become jammed and non-operational, due to non-organic materials jamming the cutting blades, items such as feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, nappies, condoms and so forth, should not be flushed down toilets.

An automatic alarm system will need to be installed on the system to notify you of any problems that may arise, mainly high level alarm (Pump not operating). When alarms are activated, action needs to be taken urgently, as limited capacity within the holding tank, may mean household waste cannot enter the system due to high levels.

Gravity Main Pump to Sewer