HP100 SP switch

HP100 SP switchProduct Photo


Including GST. Item price only, does not include installation.


HP100 SP Switch SKU # 3202 Part BSSPSWHP80
HP100 SP Switch fits the HP100 & HP120 Techno Takatsuki Hiblow Air pump models.

The SP Switch kit contains: 1 x switch assembly, 4 x retaining bolts with nuts and washers, 2 x connecting wires, 1 x safety switch pin)
When fitting a new SP switch the installer needs to have a good understanding of electrical circuitry, and be capable of soldering wires. Fitting a new SP switch is not recommended for novices to attempt.
The Techno Takatsuki Hiblow HP100 is sometimes searched for under HP-100

Helpfull hint:
If a new switch is being replaced due to corrosion to the old switch, it is a good idea to look at the source of where the corrosion is coming from. Most wastewater treatment systems have the air blower mounted on the top of the tank enclosed in at weather proof housing, but when you look closer all the pipework and cables coming up through the tank lid are not sealed off. This allows all the gases to rise up and be drawn into the air blower, these gases are very corrosive and will cause the aluminum casting of the blower body to oxidize and electrical contact points to corrode. Ask your service technician to seal off any holes in the lid of the wastewater treatment system where your blower is housed.